.~*the island*~. > ~♥ Secret Gamer Cove ♥~

Pen, pencil and paper

(1/32) > >>

Me and my IRL "friends" are gonna do a pokemon CAMPAIGN!!  :sparkle: Anyone here like PnP? a-a-anyone wanna RP???  :ok2: ........ :blush: :love2:

"I want to attack the darkness!"

I'm still interested in roleplaying with API.

But we need a DM / GM to do so!  :tantrum:

If NOONE ELSE wants to do it. I think I could.... :sweatdrop: I cant guarantee I'd be any good at it...and you'd all probably die in the first encounter.... :sparkle:

I'm a bit tempted to run a game, but I'm unsure if I could deliver.


--- Quote from: Ming on August 21, 2014, 07:38:54 AM ---I'm a bit tempted to run a game, but I'm unsure if I could deliver.

--- End quote ---
I'm gonna be honest anyone could probably run a better campaign than me....  :sad: You'd probably be good at it!!  :sparkle:


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