.~*the island*~. > ~♥ Secret Gamer Cove ♥~


<< < (3/3)

I was never excited for it anyway

I don't know what to say other than OUCH glad I didn't pre-order  :laugh:


...I bought it day...5ish?

...on xbox...

I don't regret it

I pirated it a couple of days after it came out.  Wish it ran a bit better framerate wise on my computer but I liked the overall theme more than I liked the gameplay in the end.  I did to complete every side mission and get everything I could but after a while, I got burnt out and just never came back to it.  The world did feel a bit lifeless and I didn't really mess around like I would in other open world games.

But did get me tempted into looking at that tabletop version but none of my friends were keen on starting another series >:(


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