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Tips, tricks, cheats?

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My friend wanted to play civ 5 and I wanted to go to bed but I can not turn down a challenge. I had a cheat trainer for the game so I used that to get money and he did not even know!  :laugh: I was in the renaissance while he was still in the stone ages! :smile: He is none the wiser!  :love: Have you ever cheated in a game? Was it a multiplayer game or singleplayer? Why did you do it? Was it worth it?  :angry: :tyrone:
DONT CHEAT! :tantrum:

I use a CE cheat for Borderlands 2 to modify the drop rates to be a little more fun without breaking the game too much. Mostly I don't cheat though.


do mutators in the unreal tournament series count?

that's about the closest thing to cheatcodez I find acceptable. low gravity instagib matches are the most fun you'll have in an FPS you can count on it :love:


--- Quote from: Ky on August 22, 2014, 11:42:10 AM ---I think cheating is fine but I tend to only do it after I have already completed the game for some extra fun before I move on to the next game.

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--- Quote from: bubblecat on August 22, 2014, 11:50:52 AM ---do mutators in the unreal tournament series count?

that's about the closest thing to cheatcodez I find acceptable. low gravity instagib matches are the most fun you'll have in an FPS you can count on it :love:

--- End quote ---
Not cheats but also yes

I'll sometimes cheat in single player games like Morrowind or Half life but only because I want a nice weapon or something, I could get it if I really wanted  :gloom: I don't need to cheat  :angry:


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