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General game thread

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I regret buying Bannerlord.  I spent a lot of my teen years playing Mount & Blade and the zillions of half baked mods so I put down like 65 dollars for it and oh god I should have refunded it within the first 2 hours it is not in a playable state I think.

Waiting maybe 1 or 2 years and it might be in a better state but I don't advise anyone buying it how it is at the moment.  I'm heavily surprised about the playerbase 63K players on right now.  The basic gameplay is pretty much the same with barely anything new or changed and not sure what I was truly expecting but slightly upgraded graphics and what 5 different quests it. :mad:

Biggest butthurt is even with an alright pc it runs so bad barely uses any of my CPU and GPU but loves to drop down into the low 30s.  I mean sure I'm using a Vega 64 and an 3900x but that should be more than enough to at least get stable framerates on low settings...  :gloom:

What about you Mingu?  Outside of the framerate have you been able to "play" it?

I haven't actually sat down to try to play it again since release  :poh:

I haven't put in the 2 hours so I can still get a refund, but I think I'll give it a year, maybe I'll have upgraded my rig by then too (or they will have optimized the game). See how it runs then. Definitively not trying it for the next couple of months at least, Summer is here and I do not want to bully my GPU.  :heart:

Oh wow.. you can wait that long on refunds on steam? Well, I hope you get more enjoyment than I did. I was just expecting more than what they released and yeah I do know it was in early access but that just feels like some weak sauce excuse for how barebones the game is.

Like it plays and feels like some mod of warband.

I started writing my own game engine over easter

It's very difficult  :nyoron:


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