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what addition/subtraction to a video game series would you make?

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time for a creative thread

Always thought it would be neat to have a prequel to Tales of Symphonia where you could play as Mithos and co. The obvious argument against a prequel is that the ending is known, but I still think that a game can be worthwhile with great additional characters, a new world, better gameplay, etc. This worked with Fire Emblem 7, in part since 6 had such a loose story. Also, a JRPG with a tragic ending would be pretty cool; knowing the fate of the characters could add a feeling of carthasis.

I haven't read the Witcher books but I think it'd be cool if they made some games about them, surely there's some cool things to be done.

I don't like Tales of Vesperia so let's remove that. Similarly Persona 4 could be done without.

Additionally the games I'd like the most (kind of cheating) would be using Sport Interactive's Football Manager engine, or a similar kind of system, to create an ice hockey or basketball simulation game. That would be great.

remove every resident evil and silent hill after 3

remove every metal gear solid after 2

remove every sonic after 2

just kill every single nintendo franchise in general after the first or second game

remove thief 4

edit: oh and especially remove both of the dark souls games

the only thing I would add is the rest of shenmue since it's basically an incomplete game

fuck sequels

I'd add Banjo Threeie and remove Banjo Nuts and Bolts.

Tsukikage Yuri:
Call of Duty - without the fanbase

Maybe I'm being a big dummy but the battle controls in Rome II aren't only a step down from Shogun II but the first Rome as well.

So I would probably get rid of Rome II or at least make it as good as the last game  :sweatdrop:


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